After 63 years of preparing and mailing a Waco92 monthly newsletter, this is the final edition. Our intent is to keep you informed through our website at and via email for those for whom we have addresses. It was a difficult choice to make this decision, but with decreasing members and lower revenues it was a change that we needed to make. On request, we will still make a limited mailing to those who do not have access to our website and have no email address. This will be by request only. I f you have access to the internet, please bookmark and Friend us on Facebook at It is our belief that you will actually get more information through these electronic means than we were able to do in the limited space of the newsletter.
If you have not been to lodge in a while, you would be surprised at our level of activity. We raised another Master Mason in November, and our December activities include running the snack bar at Grand Lodge on December 4th – 6th, Presenting toys to the US Marines Toys for tots at the December stated meeting, bell ringing for the Salvation Army on the 13th at the Wal-Mart in Hewitt, and finally, distributing the poinsettias to our widows on Saturday, December 20th. As you can see, Masonry is alive and well at YOUR lodge.
Now I really need to ask a favor of those in the Waco area. We are hosting a Gift of Life blood drive at our lodge from 5pm to 8pm on Thursday, January 8, 2015. That just so happens to be our stated meeting night. We have promised Carter Blood Care that we could donate 100 units of blood. Brethren, with only 25 or so at our stated meeting, I really need ALL of you near Waco to come that evening and make a donation. Please help us help others with this worthy endeavor.
From my family to your family, Dottie and I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year. Please make an effort to keep in touch with your fellow brothers at Waco92 in 2015.