October turned out to be the stated meeting not to miss. We presented a 60 Year Service award, a Golden Trowel to Past Master Jim Lowe, and we recognized thirteen past masters in attendance. I had a great time and have often wondered why so many miss these opportunities to recognize and thank our brethren for their faithful service. Of course, that allows me to transition to encourage your participation in our November and December stated meeting as well as several activities over the rest of this calendar year. At our October stated meeting, Brother Brett Carroll will present a program on how we can “make ourselves known” to those who we think would like to have in the fraternity. As you know, we don’t “recruit”, but sometimes we take that too far and never speak of the fraternity or let others know what it means to us. I know that you will find Brett’s presentation interesting and informative, so I do hope that you will plan to attend.
At the December stated meeting we will recognize and make a donation to one of our four charities – the Boy Scouts of America- and will present the Community Builder Award to one of their leaders. The lodge has approved the award for a scout leader who has made a positive impact on the character development of hundreds of Waco young men. You won’t want to miss that.
As far as upcoming activities, our cup runneth over. On November 1st, we will host the esoteric exams for District 61. In December, we will be collecting toys for Tots thru December 11th, Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army on Saturday, December 13th at the Hewitt Wal-Mart from 10am to 6pm, and deliver the poinsettias to our Waco widows on Saturday, December 20th.
If you haven’t been around for a while, you would be surprised at the enthusiasm at the lodge. Come share in the fun at YOUR lodge.
As I have previously reported, we are discontinuing the mailing of the newsletter. We will continue producing an electronic copy and emailing it along with posting messages and news on our website at the new address www.wacomasonic.org. After sixty-three consecutive years of mailings, it has come time for us to join many other organizations in staying in touch electronically. We hope you have registered your email address with us so we can continue to keep you informed.