As we begin 2015, we no longer will be mailing (via USPS) the newsletter except for those who do not have any way to receive it online or via email. Starting this month, we will do a single posting for the newsletter to include the messages from the WM, Secretary, […]
Trestle Board
This month marks the 73rd anniversary of “A day that will live in infamy!” On that fateful morning of Sunday, December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked the US Naval Fleet based at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Many young men and women lost their lives on that morning. Let us take a […]
It is hard to believe that this will be the final newsletter to be mailed out in this format. As the Worshipful Master has stated, this was a difficult choice to make. If you do not have access to the internet and would like a copy of our newsletter […]
After 63 years of preparing and mailing a Waco92 monthly newsletter, this is the final edition. Our intent is to keep you informed through our website at and via email for those for whom we have addresses. It was a difficult choice to make this decision, but with […]
October turned out to be the stated meeting not to miss. We presented a 60 Year Service award, a Golden Trowel to Past Master Jim Lowe, and we recognized thirteen past masters in attendance. I had a great time and have often wondered why so many miss these opportunities to […]
As you know by now, the December newsletter will be our last newsletter in the current format. Starting with the January 2015 newsletter, the newsletter will be on our new website at If you do not have access to a computer and wish to still receive the newsletter by […]
The Brethren voted to adopt a set of Rules and Regulations for the lodge at our September, 2014 stated meeting. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these. You can download them as a PDF HERE
October is going to be a busy month at Waco 92. October has been designated as Award Month at Waco 92 by our Worshipful Mater. We will be honoring Br. James E. Lowe with the Golden Trowel. Also that night we will recognize those members that have attained 25, 40, […]
The October stated meeting will be one to remember. We will be presenting several Masonic Service Awards for 50 or more years of membership, recognizing our living past masters, and presenting the Golden trowel Award to Past Master Jim Lowe. I am hoping we have an outstanding turnout to honor […]
Military Protocol for All Veterans Fellow Veteran Brethren, Are you aware that a veteran of the armed forces can now render a hand salute to the US Flag even though he is not in uniform? The hand salute during the national anthem by veterans and out-of-uniform military personnel was authorized […]