The October stated meeting will be one to remember. We will be presenting several Masonic Service Awards for 50 or more years of membership, recognizing our living past masters, and presenting the Golden trowel Award to Past Master Jim Lowe. I am hoping we have an outstanding turnout to honor the service of these great men over the years.
A couple of months ago I asked members to give us their email addresses. Yes, I have several and am building a database, but if you have not done so, please do so now. You can email me at, or let us know via the ‘contact us’ page on our new website The website also now includes a form to subscribe to the monthly posts. Currently we are only sending the master’s message and the secretary’s alone with an occasional news item. If you subscribe, you will automatically get the posts as they are written. Of course, you can always still read them online on the website. The reason I am making so much of this again is that we have finally decided to stop producing the monthly newsletter as a bulk mailed item. The LAST FULL newsletter will be the December issue. Now, to accommodate those who do no have either website access or email, we will continue to mail a condensed version, but by request only. I don’t want to over emphasize this, but it’s important that you understand you will NOT get a newsletter stating in January 2015 unless you tell us that you want to continue receiving the newsletter. Discontinuing the newsletter mailings will save us a few hundred dollars a year, and we feel that those funds can be put to better use.
The lodge will be sponsoring a Gift of Life Blood drive at the lodge before our January stated meeting. Pleas help us out with this. We will need many more than normally attend the meeting, so I am hoping many of you will come with your family members and make this a successful charitable event for the lodge.