From the East
Greetings, Brethren,
Another month has passed and like the month we are now in, we must march forward. The past month wasn’t especially busy, compared to the previous ones, and provided us with a chance to catch our breath. March, however, is already shaping up to be a busy month. We will be voting on an EA investigation committee report at the next meeting, March 9, and may be conferring a degree for the candidate shortly thereafter; which means we must be prepared! This will involve a time commitment on our parts for practice. Please step up for a part and be prepared. We will also be receiving our new DDGM at the regular stated meeting March 9th. Finally, we have two EAs who are ready to turn in their proficiency and proceed to the 2nd degree.
We also have a stack of scholarship applications, out of which we will select three for scholarships. Any help this Thursday, March 2nd, would be greatly appreciated! It will be yet another busy month at our lodge, so feel free to come and get involved at your lodge. There is something for all of us to do, be assured.
Until next time,
Be Well!
Mark Brickhouse, WM
From the Secretary’s Desk
Greetings Brethren,
The year is going by fast. March has roared in like a lion. Just like the year going by fast, this masonic year has gone by real fast. We should have some degrees coming up soon, so if you are interested in working in any of the upcoming degrees, I would urge you to attend our practice sessions that we have each Thursday night.
We will receive our new DDGM at the March stated meeting. Let’s all make an effort to receive our new DDGM with a great attendance at the meeting. Speaking of attendance, we are the proud owners of the District 61 Travelling Gavel. About twelve members of Waco 92 attended the opening of the new building that now houses our brothers in Crawford, Texas. They have a beautiful new building and lodge room. The food was great as usual. If you get a chance to attend one of their meetings, I can assure you that you will be greeted with open arms and great fellowship.
Congratulations to Br. Gary Carroll. He was the winner of our raffle that included the grand prize of a $300 gift card to Wal-Mart. The money that was collected from the sell of the raffle tickets will go toward our scholarship fund. Deadline for the scholarship applications was February 28th. WM Brickhouse has told me that we have several applications to go over. The winners of the scholarships will be announced at our March Stated Meeting.
With spring in the air, it is time to do some spring-cleaning at the lodge once again. I will announce a scheduled work weekend hopefully at the March stated meeting. Last spring we had only a handful of members volunteer their time and effort in this cause.
Tom Waden, Secretary