Installation of Officers for 2019-2020 Masonic Year
This year’s Installation ceremonies took place at the Helen Marie Taylor Museum in downtown Waco. Helen Marie, herself, gave the opening remarks and welcomed attendees to her museum. Past Master Ed Brown followed with the Invocation and then Brother Doug McHam led the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag. Brother Brown then served as the Installing Master and was assisted by Past Master General Stanley Carl Patrick who served as Marshal. Remarks followed from new Lodge Master Tyson Holloway. Secretary Robert Marshall provided a presentation on the lodge-related history of the Taylor Museum’s contents and location. Junior Past Master Dave McHam recited a Masonic poem. And WM Holloway wrapped things up with concluding remarks.
Afterwards, attendees(including families, friends, and candidates for Masonry) explored the Taylor Museum and interacted with Mrs. Taylor who shared many stories about her own family’s history. The new officers met for lunch at a nearby restaurant following the Installation ceremonies.