From the East
The month of March has gone by quickly, and here we are with April, a traditional time of renewed life. At our next meeting, we will be presenting three scholarship awards, providing assistance to some well-deserving young people as they blaze a trail into young adulthood. Also, coming up on May 20th, we will be having an open house at the lodge. Among other things, there will be a blood drive on that day. Please help to promote this among your friends and family as a way to give to our community.
I have a lesson in humility to share. We recently conferred an EA degree, and I did not feel prepared to do it, although I had intentions of doing so. With a week left to go, I decided to ask another well-versed brother to confer instead. It was a good decision, and I felt like our new brother had a memorable experience. As soon as “I” got out of the way, WE did our work. How many times can someone we know do a better job? If being in the east has taught me anything, it is to step out of the way and let us do our work! Let the work continue, and please join us as we thrive.
Be Well!
Mark Brickhouse
From the Secretary’s Desk
Greetings Brethren,
If you were not at the March stated meeting, you missed meeting our new DDGM, RW Steven Everett. Br. Everett delivered his message from our new Grand Master, MW Kirby. In his message from the Grand Master we have been charged to several things. Among these are to set up some sort of charitable program, get the word out about Masonry, the Gift of Life (blood drive), Take Time To Read, and the Dime A Day Program. He has also urged each lodge to become a Vanguard Lodge. Waco 92 is well ahead of this. For the past couple of years we have been a Vanguard Lodge. I see no reason why we should not continue to strive for these goals.
Our District Instructor, Br. Sonny Juarez, was in attendance at our March stated meeting. Br. Juarez mentioned the work that two our bodies sponsored by Masonry were in need of some funds. The Waco Chapter of the Order of DeMolay for young men and the Waco Rainbow Association for young ladies were the two organizations that Br. Juarez mentioned. It was a honor to donate a $100 dollars to each of those organizations. Those two organizations strive to help our young people develop into the leaders of tomorrow.
We have several members that will soon be taking a step further in their masonic journey. We had a very successful EA degree the other night. If you are interested in working in our degrees, I would like to urge you to attend our practice nights. The more members that we have to work the degrees, the better.
Dues are still coming in. I would like to urge those of you who have yet to pay to please pay as soon as possible. A Second Notice of Non-Payment of Dues will be mailed around the 15th of April to those of you who have yet to pay. A third and final notice will be mailed out on June 1st. Those who have not paid by the 23rd of June will go suspended for non-payment of dues.
A lodge clean-up day is scheduled for Saturday, May 20, 2017. We will start about 9am and work until we are finished. A lunch will be served for all those who attend the workday. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the dining area. Please sign up and help up clean up the grounds and the building.
Hope to see everyone at the April stated meeting.
Fraternally yours,
Tom Waden, Secretary