July turned out to be a busy month for the lodge. We kicked off the new year with an officer and committee orientation on the 3rd, practiced the Fellowcraft degree on the 17th, and hosted Tranquility Lodge #2000 on the 19th. All of this was in addition to a productive and busy stated meeting on the 10th where I outlined goals for the year, set the committees to work, and got our annual budget approved.
I’m hoping each month will be filled with opportunities for fellowship and fraternity with a touch of Masonic education. I know folks don’t like to come to a lodge where all they do is read the minutes and pay the bills. I can assure you this year at Waco 92 will not be like that. We plan to have some program of information or education at each stated meeting so when you leave, you will say “Sure glad I made it to lodge this month.” A change I made was to cut back our esoteric work schedule from each Thursday to only the first three Thursdays hoping for a better turnout and regular attendance for those three nights.
We also hope to improve our ability to communicate lodge information with you. Brother Dave McHam started a Waco 92 Facebook page at www.facebook.com/waco92 and we are rolling out a new and improved website at www.wacomasonic.org. Within the year we have to get consensus to discontinue the monthly newsletter as a mailed piece. We will keep it alive though the website or via email. Of course, that means we need to get serious about acquiring email addresses. PLEASE take a minute to register your email with us at www.wacomasonic.org/contact-us/ I’d appreciate your thoughts on the discontinuance of a mailed newsletter as well as the look of our new website.
Hope to see you in YOUR LODGE on August 14th where we will receive our Distirct Deputy Grand Master Doug. Fitzjarrell. He will be bringing us fraternal greetings and a message from our Grand Master Jerry Martin.
One thought on “WM’s August 2014 Message”
As I open this newsletter for this month I thought they could save some postage by going on line. Glad to see it.