From the East
Greetings Brethren,
I hope you all have had a good summer so far, and that you and your families are doing well. We have had a busy time at the lodge so far this summer also. By the time you read this, we will have already conferred the second degree for one of our new brothers, who has been gaining his proficiency at lightning speed. Another brother is not far behind. For the August meeting, we will be voting for a candidate to receive the EA, as well as reading a petition from another candidate. In addition to the degree work, we had an excellent turn-out for our annual clean-up, and a number of brethren assisted in hosting our annual visit from Tranquility Lodge. As you can see, it has been a busy summer!
In our stated meeting in July, I spoke for a few minutes about the bee hive. It is no small wonder that the bee hive is one of our monitorial symbols. Bees are constantly busy and industrious, gathering nectar from abroad and contributing it to the hive, where it is stored as honey. Every bee has a role, and every bee performs that role without question, and with pure enthusiasm. Naturally, they all work together cooperatively, and, if the hive is in danger, they will even give their lives in defense. We all have much to learn from the beehive, I think. As we progress through the year, it is my desire that we pull together and work cooperatively for the good of our hive, which is Waco 92, each of us doing our parts, each of us working for the good of the whole.
Until next month, be blessed.
Mark Brickhouse
From the Secretary’s Desk
Greetings Brethren,
Before I forget, I must make a retraction on an item that I reported about in our last newsletter. I mistakenly mentioned that the roof replacement cost around $29, 000. The actual cost was at $22,932. That is still a good bit of money. I apologize for my mistake.
We hosted Tranquility #2000 for their annual summer meeting at Waco 92. I would like to thank all who came out to help make it a success. They will be meeting at Waco 92 again next year on Saturday, July 15, 2017.
Our new officers started off on a good note at our last stated meeting. Waco 92 was honored to have two Past Most Worshipful Grand Masters from the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas in attendance (RW Elmer Murphy and RW Jerry Martin). It is always an honor to have current and past Grand Lodge officers visit, but to have two Past Most Worshipful Grand Masters on the same night was indeed a distinct honor.
Thanks to everyone that came out for our lodge cleanup day. We got a lot of work done. Our next lodge cleanup day will be scheduled around the first of next year. There is still some work that needs to be done in and around the lodge building. As the date draws closer, I will keep everyone informed.
Brethren, our numbers are growing. In the past several months we have had four EA’s, 2 FC’s, and 2 MM. We have several potential new members in the wings. That is really a blessing. It is great to see these young men step up and help our fraternity grow. If you have not been to lodge lately, you to need to come out and meet these young men and get to know them.
I know that I am repeating myself when I write about the lodge dues, but I feel that it is important to remind everyone to get their lodge dues in at a timely manner. The 2017 dues will be going out between the latter part of October and the first part of November. The dues next year will be $100. The Grand Lodge Assessment Fee (which is optional) increases to $27.50. Please make note of the change in dues and pay promptly when you receive your notice.
Congratulations to Brother Tommy Swanner. Brother Swanner has received his 50 Year Service Award from the Grand Lodge of Texas. It is always an honor to see those in our lodge who have logged 50+ years of service in the fraternity. Next time you see Br. Swanner, be sure and tell him congratulations on a job well done.
Until next month, I hope to see everyone in lodge.
Fraternally yours,
Tom Waden, Secretary