Waco 92 supports the Fantastic Teeth Program
On Feb 5th several brothers from the lodge packaged over 300 Fantastic Teeth packages to be given to students in Waco. Thanks to P.M. Salty Brown for recommending and organizing this project. Lodge 92 partnered with Carter Blood Care on Jan 8th with their mobile collection unit in our parking lot from 5-8 PM. Twelve members were seen and 9 units were collected. These donations support the Masonic-related hospitals in Texas. THANKS to all who contributed.
Widows Recognition Night at our Feb Meeting
Fourteen of our widows joined us for a program prior to the Feb stated meeting. After a wonderful “sweetheart” dinner prepared by our stewards, Sect’y Tom Waden and our Wardens gave an outstanding presentation on the importance of our role in supporting our widows. WM Ed Brown presented each of 14 widows a certificate and pin. Bro Waden personally donated a presented a rose to each widow. RW Brett Carroll, our SD and DDGM shared his appreciation for all and promised our widows will always be in our hearts and minds. My personal thanks goes to all who made this such a memorable night.

From the Secretary’s Desk
If you were not at the February stated meeting, you missed a great treat. We proudly honored the Widows of Waco 92. Fourteen of those ladies were in attendance. Each widow received a Widows Certificate of Appreciation, widows pin, and a lovely red rose. I have received countless notes of thank you from the ladies that were present that night. As a reminder to our widows, you will always be in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks should also go out to the members of the lodge that helped make that night very special for those wonderful ladies.
As of the printing of this newsletter, we have twenty-two members that have not submitted their 2015 dues. A first notice has been mailed out. If you have not submitted your 2015 dues, please do so before the deadline of June 23, 2015. If dues are not received by that date, the member (s) not paying dues by that date will be suspended for non-payment of dues. Another notice will be sent out next month. Please get the dues in so that we will not have to suspend anyone. This is your lodge, and your dues help support what we do.
The lodge has several activities coming up that concerns all members of the lodge. At our last stated meeting, the lodge voted to hold a raffle. You should be receiving in the mail shortly information concerning the raffle. When the weather gets better this spring the lodge will also be holding a parking lot sale (better known as a Garage Sale). You will be getting more information about that in our next newsletter.
Hope to see a full house of members at the February stated meeting. See you in lodge.
Fraternally, Tom Waden, Secretary