This month our stated meeting will be on a day that we should all take time out and remember those who gave up their lives on 9-11. As we reflect on that dark day in history, let us not forget all the men and women serving and protecting our country.
Summer is coming to an end, and brethren are returning from vacations. Yours truly is one of those brethren. After two weeks of vacation this past month, I am back in the saddle and ready and willing to serve my lodge in all that I can do. I hope that each of you will do the same. The summer months are usually months in which lodge attendance is at it lowest point. I would like to challenge each and everyone that has not been to lodge lately to attend this month. Worshipful Master Ed Brown is really working hard to serve Waco 92 in a manner that we can all be proud to say, “ I am a member of Waco 92.”
Congratulations to Brother Jim Lowe on being selected by the membership of Waco 92 to receive the highest award that the lodge can bestow on a fellow member – The Golden Trowel. Brother Lowe will receive his award at our October stated meeting. Be sure and put Thursday, October 9th on your calendar. Brother Lowe served as Worshipful Master of Waco 92 in 1981. Over the years Brother Lowe has served his lodge faithfully after his year in the East. Just last year he and his lovely wife Carol were gracious enough to donate the funds that allowed us to put up the railing entering Quebe Temple. Brother Lowe, we the members of Waco 92 salute you and say “Job well done!”
A shout out goes to those that came up to the lodge this past month to help with the cleaning of the lodge.
I would also like to remind everyone about the meeting of the MWSA in Crawford on Monday, September 29th at the lodge in Crawford. All officers are encouraged to attend. You do not have to be the Master, a Warden, or Secretary in order to attend. Brethren, this is your association. Please come out and support us as we lay out plans to benefit our district – Masonic District 61. Dinner will be served at 6pm and followed by our meeting at 7pm.