The October stated meeting will be one to remember. We will be presenting several Masonic Service Awards for 50 or more years of membership, recognizing our living past masters, and presenting the Golden trowel Award to Past Master Jim Lowe. I am hoping we have an outstanding turnout to honor […]
Monthly Archives: September 2014
Military Protocol for All Veterans Fellow Veteran Brethren, Are you aware that a veteran of the armed forces can now render a hand salute to the US Flag even though he is not in uniform? The hand salute during the national anthem by veterans and out-of-uniform military personnel was authorized […]
This month our stated meeting will be on a day that we should all take time out and remember those who gave up their lives on 9-11. As we reflect on that dark day in history, let us not forget all the men and women serving and protecting our country. […]
Summer is almost over and if you are like me you will be glad to see cooler temperatures. Besides it being hot, the summer months tend to be a lighter turnout for lodge meetings. I am hoping attendance picks up in fall since we have a great lineup of programs […]