There has been some buzz around the lodge recently regarding a time capsule replaced last month in Massachusetts. Brothers Samuel Adams and Paul Revere had laid the cornerstone containing the time capsule in 1795 and there it laid until being opened last month. A specially dispensed group of brethren replaced the time capsule after discovering some coins, a medal honoring George Washington, and a silver plaque that were put inside by brothers who helped build our country and the fraternity as we know it today. To read more, click here.
Music figures prominently in the history of Waco 92. In 1914, our lodge was thriving near its peak of activity and held its first musical degree. For many years, Waco 92 performed such degrees and gained a widespread reputation. Brother masons traveled from all over to witness and take part in initiative ceremonies with musical accompaniment. Currently, we are endeavoring to reform the old music scores so that some local musicians can visit the lodge and demonstrate some of the old music later this year.
Here we have Brother Howie Damron, a musician, who took the time to write a song about his experience in Freemasonry. If you are a country music fan and a mason, you should enjoy this and you can find more of his music by clicking here.
Posted July 12, 2015
In light of Independence Day, take a moment and watch this video. In it, an impersonator of Past Grand Master Benjamin Franklin discusses freemasonry’s principle tenants.
Posted July 3, 2015