Making Waco Men Better Since 1852

Keith Kinlaw

Keith Kinlaw


keith kinlaw

Keith Kinlaw was born on October 27, 1947 in Lumberton, North Carolina. The family moved to central Texas when he was still a boy and he attended Robinson ISD from which he graduated in 1965. Keith found work at the Katy Railroad Depot until he went off to college at Texas A&M where he got his degree in engineering. Brother Kinlaw spent the next thirty-five years working as an engineer and retired in 2009.

He loved to fish with his family and friends and was an active member at Waco 92 during the 1970s. This was an interesting time for our lodge because we had just moved from downtown to our building on Cobbs Drive in 1969. Other leaders of the lodge at that time included such Waco stalwarts as Roger Conger and they thought so highly of Keith that he was elected to serve as Worshipful Master of the lodge in the bicentennial year of 1976. It was a year of grand celebrations by masonic entities across the nation and had been greatly anticipated and planned for several years. All accounts suggest the Brother Kinlaw did a fantastic job in leading the men of 92 while he sat in the East that year.

Our own Brother Tom Little, Jr. remembers Keith thusly:

My father, Thomas Arthur Little, Sr. was serving Waco #92 as Senior Warden, with Brother Kinlaw in the East, in 1976 when he(my father) was called before the Grand Architect of the Universe. I had been raised in March of  ’75 so I was able to sit in lodge with both of them. I remember the support extended to my family by all of the officers, Past Masters, and many of the members of our lodge during those trying days. It was a tremendous source of comfort. My thoughts go out to the Kinlaw family.