Masons’ Night at the Museum Having visited lodges in 50 states and 13 countries, it is with no small amount of weight that I say: Tonight, I attended one of the most incredible displays of Masonic fellowship and esoteric skill in the world. Bellaire Lodge #1336’s Worshipful Master Donnie […]
Lodge News
The Saints John have long been at the center of Masonic teachings and symbolism. For centuries, Masonic Lodges held grand celebrations on the feast days of each St John. These celebrations were typically open to the public and included remarkable speeches, awards, and toasts. Waco Lodge participated in this Masonic […]
Quite a few members of Waco Masonic Lodge have served as Texas Rangers. Brother George Erath’s statue stands in front the Texas Ranger Museum today and several others from our lodge played prominent roles in some of the most electrifying chapters of Texas Ranger lore. As we continue researching our […]
Thomas Harrison (1823-1891) "Forward, Rangers!" Civil War General Director, Waco Tap Railway Prominent Lawyer and Politican Proponent for African American Jurist Rights Representative of 4th Texas Legislature Thomas Harrison was born in Jefferson County, Alabama on May 1, 1823. His father had been the first settler of that area and […]
Waco Lodge During World War II If WWI was the busiest era in the history of our lodge, then WWII makes a close second. While 1,000+ degrees were performed during each year of WWI, the total of degrees performed during WWII was just shy of 1,000. Still, that makes for […]
Waco Lodge During World War I Without a doubt, World War I was the busiest time in Waco Lodge’s history. Rich Field and Camp Macarthur were primarily responsible as we performed initiation ceremonies more than 1,000 times each year for the duration of the war. Below is a list of our […]
Spanish-American War Veterans from our Lodge On February 15, 1898, the USS Maine was sunk causing tensions between the United States and Spain to rise. Our own Brother Thomas Moore gave a stirring speech that inspired a great number of Texans to join what became the Spanish-American War. As of […]
Civil War Veterans of Waco 92 In 1860, the legendary Sam Houston stood on the porch of our Masonic Hall in the downtown Square and gave a speech in which he begged Wacoans to vote against seceding from the United States. Unfortunately, their minds were already made up and an […]
Mexican American War Veterans As we continue to explore and study the history of our lodge, we are always finding more men to add to this list. As of now, here are the members of Waco Lodge known to have fought in the Mexican-American War in the 1840s. Josephus Steiner […]
Our Veterans of the Texas Revolution As we continue to explore and study the history of our lodge, we are always finding more men to add to this list. As of now, here are the members of Waco Lodge known to have fought in the Texas War for Independence. Click […]